It started with a little spiral notebook. I decided to keep a daily log of my writing time, to shame myself into more discipline and hold myself accountable each day. If I didn't write on one day, the next day I would have to face the dreaded blank page where it should have said "Worked four hours and finished chapter..." I didn't succeed in improving my self-discipline very much, but the log became a useful record of my moods, blocks, breakthroughs, and discoveries. Mixed in were the joys, miseries, frustrations, ironies, and practical realities of just being a writer, (i.e. the rants).
I filled up three spiral notebooks, then moved the whole mess to the internet (where so many of the world's great messes live) to make a space for conversation with other people who also walk the walk and work the work of writing. (The first ugly surprise: it is WORK.)
My hope is for Writer to Writer to become a water-cooler conversation, with no uppity-airs, no stess, where you can share your thoughts and ideas. Please try to be as positive as you realistically can (no whiners need post.) I want this to be a sort of barefoot-oasis for writers. We need to know we're not going through this alone, and seriously, we could use a few more laughs once in a while.
Some chapters of my book-in-progress are here on password-protected pages, to which I invite other writers, friends, colleagues, and kindred spirits to read and comment if they wish. It's not open to the general public, but anyone can request a username and password at this link: WORKS Login. (Or click "WORKS" in the header menu above.) If you become a Reader, you'll be able to post your sincere comments, or critiques there, or use "CONTACT" above. (Note: Excessive flattery will be considered cheesy/suspect, and author-bashing will be deleted.)
Later I hope to build pages for guest-writers and friends to display their prose or poetry, likewise password protected by them, where they can safely share unpublished works with colleagues and friends.
Unlike Captain Kirk's starship log, this blog will not be concise, orderly or organized, will not always be logical, and I myself make absolutely no promise to ever be any of those good things. This is my place to blather, and I'll blather if I want to. You are invited to do the same, and also to share you wisdom, helpful books or information, or whatever you've got, if you want to.
Thank you for dropping by. Come on over any time. Victoria C.
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